

Light is very important for the effect in a room. It also has an impact on our mood and is more than a style element. Depending on your mood, you can choose whether it is soft or light or colored or white. SmartHomeSmart now allows you to easily make the desired setting at the push of a button in the app, on the tablet or by voice control.

Lights on, off & dim

  • All lights or individual lights in the rooms can be switched on and off using the app, tablet or voice control. But you could also link this function to an event. For example, the front door is opened, >> lights on <<, the front door goes to >> lights off <<. Or there is no one in the room for a long time, the light goes out automatically. It is also possible to adjust the settings according to the time of day, for example bright outside >> light off <<, outside dark >> light bright <<.

There is also the soft light function for night walks, where you don't necessarily want to wake up completely.

  • There are so many options. On request, we can adapt the function to your needs. In addition, we will of course advise you based on our own practical experience.


Everyone wants a safe home, whether they are home or not, it doesn't matter. There are elaborate systems for this, which watch and inform around the clock in the event of uninvited guests or lurking dangers.

  • SmartHomeSmart offers you security and alarm functions. These are fully automatic and protect your home from break-ins, water or storm damage. The house is constantly on the alert due to the combination of the existing components.
  • But even if you are not at home, you can have the house simulated as if you were at home. For example, light is switched on in a room and / and the shutters are raised or raised. There are no limits to your wishes.
  • The alarm zones can be defined by yourself, whether room by room or floor by floor. For example, the evenings are in the bedroom and only want to activate the alarm system on the ground floor, this is easily possible.
  • With outdoor or indoor cameras, live images can be displayed via the tablet or your own smartphone, even from a distance.
  • Notifications about open windows or doors are also possible.


Thanks to intelligent heating control, SmartHomeSmart enables the heat and coolness in the house to be set automatically without having to do anything manually.

  • Not every room should have the same temperature, for example the throat should be cooler than the living room. This can be set automatically and also easily adjusted again if you want it different. It would also be possible to set it according to the time of day, for example you want it to be cooler in the evening than during the day.
  • The temperature can be adjusted easily via the app, the tablet or via voice control, even remotely.
  • Any malfunctions are reported in good time so that major damage can be prevented.


The shading of a house is one of the most important elements that one needs. It not only ensures that the sun is kept out, but also provides privacy.

  • With SmartHomeSmart it all happens automatically. You can adjust the setting of the shading according to sunrise or sunset or according to time. At a certain time, all shading can be automatically raised or lowered.
  • It prevents rooms from overheating and can in turn serve as insulation during cold seasons.


Music is important and has been proven to reduce stress hormones.

  • SmartHomeSmart enables music in different rooms at the push of a button or automatically - just as you want. This function can also be used as a siren, doorbell or alarm.
  • For example, you can use the music as an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning. There are no limits to your wishes. Operation is of course possible via the app, tablet or voice control.


Turning off the bell - everyone knows this function.

  • But, for example, turning off the bell and turning on a light bell instead, that's SmartHomeSmart again.
  • However, if you want to open the door for your neighbor remotely so that she can water the flowers, this is easily possible via the app.
  • If you are not on the first floor, but on one of the other floors and the doorbell rings, you can use the app or tablet to see who is at the door.

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